Jumat, 06 April 2018

Some points of international article

Hello, i'm back!! 🙋

In previous post, i analized the sections of international article. The title is still same: Improving listening and speaking skills in mixed level groups (on the material of New English File) by Mapruza Idrissova, Batagoz Smagulova, Madina Tussupbekova.And now i'm going to tell you some points of this International Article. Here we go!

1. Abstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the problems of listening and speaking in learning foreign language.

2. The introduction
The authors made new research.

3. Methods
The methods of this research is used questionnaire.

4. Result
There are 5 questions and each question has 4 options.

5. Discussion
Used role plays for students.

6. Conclusion

That's all readers. Thanks for reading 🙌

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