Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

How do i find the research article and What the diffulties when i found the international article

     To be honest, i absolutely didn't have any difficulties when i found the international article. Because the task is find international article and the topic is be based on what skill do i interested the most. The topic is not specified in detail so i can easily find it. And finally i found the international article about listening and speaking skills with title "Improving listening and speaking skills in mixed level groups (on the material of New English File)" by Mapruza Idrissova , Batagoz Smagulova, and Madina Tussupbekova. I found this article from sciencedirect.com. How can i find this article? First, i search on many website that contain international journal and artcile. I know those website from my lecturers. But i can't found suitable articles, because the article must describe about someone's or somebody's research. And then i try to find it on scincedirect.com, finally i found the article that i want.

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