Kamis, 15 Maret 2018
What i can find in article international's abstract
Hello everybody! Last week i uploaded about review the article internatinal with title: Improving listening and speaking skills in mixed level groups (on the material of New English File) by Mapruza Idrissova, Batagoz Smagulova, and Madina Tussupbekova. And now, i will share what i can get from the abstract of this article. So lets start!
From this abstract, i can find the writers' purpose of their study. Their purpose is to investigate works of scholars about the problems of listening and speaking in learning Foreign Languages. And the writers try to analyze the difficulties in doing listening and speaking exercises in mixed level groups. Of course these difficulties help the writers to find the ways of improving students' abilities to listen and speaking english. The writers also try to find the different creative activities in english classes motivate students to learn Foreign Languages.
That's all about what i can get from abstract of this article. Thank you for reading
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