Minggu, 11 Maret 2018
Review an International Article
Improving listening and speaking skills in mixed level groups (on the material of New English File) by Mapruza Idrissova, Batagoz Smagulova, and Madina Tussupbekova
In this article, the writer trying to say about speaking and listening English difficulties of students in mixed level groups in Republic of Kazakhstan. The author also trying to say about what are the reasons this problem can happen? As we know, speaking and listening are interrelated and most important for communication. If the students hard to speaking and listening English as a foreign language in their school, so how are they communication with the other? In this article, of course the author try to find a way for improving speaking and listening English.
The students in mixed level groups in Republic of Kazakhstan have difficulties in speed of delivery during listening and speaking, face problems with misunderstanding of new word and phrases, have problems in pronounciation of English word, and have difficulties in composing sentences using correct grammatical structure. It's because of differencies about what places students lives and finished schools before entering the university, duration of learning english and about skills do they like more.
The solutions for these difficulties is do role play. Role-plays help students work together as a team or a group, and communicate in order to understand each other. Rope play can improve students speaking skills in any situation. We start to listen to short dialogues from "New English File" textbook. After listening to short dialogues, students do exercise for comprehension. These tasks helped students to improving listening and speaking skills.
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